Blogmas 2015 - Day 13

12:16 AM

YAY!!! I finally finished ALL of my Christmas shopping today :D It was a whopping 39 degrees here in Adelaide as well so let's just say that I super rushed the last of shopping today so that I could get home in the nice cool air conditioning.

The shops weren't as bad as I thought but I was still a little grumpy trying to manouver around people. But I didn't hurt anyone and I made it back in one piece so YAY!!

Now I just have to work out what I am going to cook for Christmas and I am completely done. I am thinking of doing a few vegan dishes but I will definetly be cooking a duck for Christmas Eve dinner because I have it in my freezer already and I don't think a little meat at Christmas time will hurt.

Once I got home I threw on some Christmas tunes and starting cooking dinner. The quicker I can get it done the better then I can relax for the rest of the night. I am making a Lentil Bolognese for dinner tonight which I will share with you all in tomorrow's blog.

Oh here is a little extra sneak at the shopping we did yesterday haha. I told it was colourful! and it was so much cheaper than my normal shopping bill. Let's hope it stays like that.

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