50 random facts about me!

6:42 PM

1 . I was born in 1986

2. I live in Adelaide, Australia but I am originally from Northampton, England

3. I just love being in my kitchen in fact you could say it is an obsession! Meal prepping, baking, cooking and creating new dishes. I just can't get enough.

4. I recently became vegan which makes creating new dishes even more fun.

5. I am not religious at all.

6. I'm allergic to penicillin.

7. My favourite colour is basically anything pastel.

8. Robbie Williams has been my favourite superstar and crush since I was 8 years old and my husband is the same age as him.

9. I know the words to these movies off by heart: The Lion King, The Labyrinth, Alice in Wonderland (1999 TV version) and Home Alone.

10. I am a HUGE movie fan and own way too many DVD's.

11. Disney movies are my most favourite movies ever and I am constantly playing Disney songs in my house and car.

12. I have 9 siblings.

13. It is my dream to one day live in Italy even if it is just a year.

14. My bucket list holiday destinations are: Egypt, Germany, Italy, New York, Ireland, Barbados, Cuba and Hawaii.

15. I don't know how to swim.

16. My biggest fears are drowning, spiders, snakes, birds and claustrophobia.

17. I get super scared watching horror movies but I just keep torturing myself by watching them.

18. I get super addicted to TV shows.

19. I'm not a very sporty person but if I was going to play any sport it would probably be soccer.

20. I collect old Enid Blyton books and socks.

21. I get bored really easily.

22. I was a teen mum.

23. When I get upset or angry my left leg shakes like crazy and it takes ages for me to calm it down.

24. Autumn is my favourite time of year. I love Autumn colours, Autumn clothes and the leaves everywhere.

25. My body doesn't like sleeping when there is silence. I must have some sort of noise in the background.

26. I think too much and it drives me bonkers.

27.  I really don't like the taste of coconut water.

28. I love love love reading and books make me smile. I would love to own a book store one day with a cafe.

29. Becoming vegan and living a healthier lifestyle has completely change my life for the better.

30. I'm on a mission this year to get better at cycling.

31. I am half English and half Barbadian.

32. My 30th birthday is in 4 weeks and I am having a Disney party.

33. I've been to Bali twice and I love love love it there!

34. I think everybody is my friend and I get really upset when people use me.

35. If Bradley Cooper or Chris O'Donnel are in a movie it puts me off wanting to watch it. I don't know why I just hate watching them.

36. I am planning on getting my first tattoo this year.

37. Singing songs makes me happy.

38. I love being organised but I hate cleaning.

39. I know how to change a tyre on my car but that's about all I can do on a car.

40. My favourite books are the Harry Potter series.

41. Rain always makes me happy and I love rugging up and being all snuggly warm.

42. I am a complete weirdo when you get to know but until then i'm usually pretty shy.

43. When I was younger I tried out calisthenics, basketball, country dancing and modelling but never did any of them for more than 2 years. I wanted to be a ballerina and a violin player but never even tried them.

44. I love history and I could spend hours and hours and hours looking through old castles and houses.

45. When it is over 32 degrees I get grumpy and snappy.

46. I love chocolate but I don't like chocolate flavoured things like milk, icecream, sundaes etc.

47. I sleep with my eyes open and I hate it because everyone always makes fun of it or takes photos of me. 

48.I absolutely hate ghost trains.

49. Whenever I am in the shower I sing 'Last Christmas' by Wham.

50. Attempting to sing Ariana Grande songs gives me a headache because I can't sing as high as her but I love her songs so I push through the pain.

Stay Happy and Healthy
Liane Xx

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