Tour Down Under Fun 2016
1:25 AMToday the Hubby and I headed out to the city to watch the Tour Down Under and enjoy the sunshine. My husband is a huge fan of cycling and manages to ride 100+ kms at least once or twice a week, sometimes more. So I decided to do something he enjoys today and join him to watch the race. It was a little hot so we got a little too much sun but it was an awesome day out and now i'm super pumped to buy a new bike and get some motivation to ride more.
They had so much free stuff on for kids to do and so many give aways like iceblocks, wrist bands etc. They also had free sunscreen stations set up all around the place which I was thought was AWESOME!! It was amazing to see so many people out and about with their bikes. So many kids getting involved to which was absolutely brilliant. It is always great to see kids being active and playing around.
Such a great event and i'm actually really looking forward to it again next year. I have never really been into these kind of events but since starting my healthy journey all of these active adventures just make me so motivated to do more and get out more. Who knows, by next year I could be riding the Adelaide Hills alongside my cyclist husband and not dying from exhaustion after 5 minutes on a bike............
Stay Happy and Healthy (and enjoy the pics from today)
Liane Xx