What I Ate Wednesday!
2:38 AMThis week I got into the basics for meals. We were on a little bit of a budget because I kind of went crazy last week on food. We went out for dinners a couple of times which is always expensive and then I went food shopping at Coles and ended up spending a fortune.......Basically I had started running out of staples like sauces, flours, pastas etc so it was a pretty big and expensive shop.
This week we went fruit and veg shopping at the Adelaide Central Markets. I didn't have a plan I just grabbed the basics. Loads and Loads of fruit and veg :)
Sometimes basics are just simple, easy and fun! So many people freak out when I say that I am eating vegan now. I generally get asked, "but what do you eat?" Or "but isn't that so expensive?".
My answer to the first question is that I eat the same as I did before just altered to be vegan. It's pretty simple. I eat lots of vegetables and fruit and I make fun meals all the time that taste just as good even better than when I wasn't a vegan eater. My answer to the second question? no! It is not more expensive. I had a $200 food budget for a family of 4 for one week before and now I still have my $200 food budget sometimes my weeks are even cheaper than before because my trolley is packed with food from the produce section instead of the aisles. Come on peeps! 99c a kilo for bananas, $3 a kilo for broccoli, 99c a kilo for pumpkins and sweet potatoes........how can you go wrong? What I save from meats and dairy I use to spend a little extra on non dairy milks, dairy free cheese etc. it's not hard.
Shopping at the central Markets for fruit and veg is usually much cheaper and also most privately owned fruit and veg stores have pretty awesome pricing. So it is always good to shop around and find your favourite locals. Big chain supermarkets are not the only people selling food out there :p
Here is my food shop from today:
I bought about 5 bunches of bananas today. I basically live off them now. So cheap, so quick and so good for you. I love filling my fridge after a day of shopping and seeing so many gorgeous colours.
Anyway back to what I have been eating........here is a peek of just some of the highlights from my week. This bagel and dragon fruit was my lunch today! Yum! The bagel was filled with avocado, vegan daiya cheddar, tomato and spinach. The dragonfruit is the first one I have ever tried and I am totally a new fan! They are so pretty.
Liane Xx