What I Ate Wednesday!
4:11 AMToday wasn't a great day food wise as I am not feeling the best. I am coming down with something and i'm just exhausted so I just spent all day not really excited about eating which is really unlike me. I started my morning with my normal glass of water and then I whipped up one of my favourite smoothies....you will find the recipe by clicking here. I added some spirulina to my smoothie today just for an extra boost of iron and other supplements.
For my mid morning snack I just had a cup of coffee as I was feeling so blah I really needed a pick me up. However I only ended up drinking half of it.
I wasn't feeling hungry at lunch time so I didn't actually eat again until about 3.30pm. We were in a rush to get the kids from school and my husband was getting some vietnamese rolls from a take away place so I grabbed one of them which made me feel terrible because it was a pork one :( which means I wasn't very vegan today. But we all slip up sometimes and I am well aware of what is good and bad for me at the moment so I am confident that I can kick myself into gear again and get back on track with everything.
Just before dinner I munched down on some fresh fruits, a couple of peaches and some grapes! yum yum! I also tried one of these SOy Yogurt's that I found in Coles the other day. I am totally loving them as a little sweet treat every now and then!
My husband made dinner for us tonight. We had this yummy Sticky Sesame Cauliflower with Brown Rice. It wasn't amazing to look at but it was damn tasty. My twelve year old ate the entirety of his cauliflower which I have never seen him do before.
Hopefully next week I will be feeling better and back to normal and I can have more exciting What I Ate Wednesday's to show you. I am also thinking of doing some What I Ate Wednesday Vlogs on Youtube.......Let me know if you would be interested in seeing them!
Stay Happy and Healthy
Liane Xx