24 Days of Blogmas - Day 2 & 3

1:05 PM

I'm combining days 2 and 3 of Blogmas because I have been sick in bed (insert mega sad face here). I basically spent all day stuck in bed watching the new FoodNetwork channel on tv and throwing up in between which let's just say was NO fun at all.

As I didn't really get up to much the last two days I thought I would just share with you this yummy fruit cake I made the other day. I've never made a fruit cake before and this one is a lighter version and it was so yummy. Obviously during The Christmas season I allow myself to let go a little bit and enjoy all the yummy Christmas treats. After all that's what Christmas is all about.....having fun and sharing with others. What better way to share than with food? I still always try and make homemade food through Christmas (there is nothing better) but I will share some of my little indulgences with you over Christmas I am sure. 

Ohhh and back to the new Food Network that has come on TV recently..........I am actually in TV heaven! 24 hours a day of non stop food shows and cooking shows! What more can you ask for? There is so much food knowledge to be absorbed in my little brain and I'm so excited to be absorbing it all. Yesterday I discovered two new favourite cooks Giada De Laurentiis and Bal Arneson these two ladies are so much fun to watch and I am loving their programs. I'm planning on ordering some of their books soon too. 

Anyway that's all I have for today's blog. Hopefully tomorrow is more entertaining for you as I get over this sickness. 

Stay happy and healthy
Liane Xx

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