Clean F Word Challenge Day Three

12:40 AM

 Lots of nutrition reading has been happening in my house this week. I am really enjoying all the research and I think it is really important to learn what we are actually putting into our mouths. Nutrition is incredibly important. I am hoping to be able to share more with you guys as I learn.

It can still be hard sometimes when there is so many bad and easy 'food' options surrounding us. Like I experienced yesterday with an easy option for a late dinner because I ran out of time. I really need to plan ahead a little better to avoid situations like that. I am thinking of having one or two freezer meals prepped each week for nights like that. Especially now that I will be working more.

Today started off really well with a gorgeous bowl of oatmeal  for breakfast topped with fresh fruit. I made this batch for the whole family before heading in to work.To give the oatmeal some extra flavour I just stirred through some cinnamon while cooking with organic almond milk and topped with a drizzle of honey.

For lunches I packed up some yummy salads. Once you add colourful veggies to any dish it makes food look so exciting and more delicious. I cooked up some chicken for the kids which I simply coated in a little moroccan seasoning. I didn't have the chicken with my salad, instead I added some capsicum slices.There was a bottom layer of cooked wholemeal penne pasta topped with spinach, cucumber slices, strawberry slices and cherry tomatoes. The little pots had some balsamic vinegar inside to dress the salad.

I know strawberries sounds weird in a vegie salad but trust me......chicken, strawberry and balsamic works!!  

For snacks we had some medjool dates and bananas.

I wasn't very hungry at dinner time so we just all snacked on fruit and toast for the evening.
Sometimes you don't need to be fancy.

Stay Happy & Healthy
Liane Xx

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