Change is sometimes scary but change can also be good for you and your health.
I am a huge fan of change. I am the type of person that gets bored easily so I am always changing things. However there are occasions where some changes freak me out and I avoid the change. Recently I had the opportunity to change my career and it has made a huge difference on my life. At first I was totally confused as of what decision to make about my career because I loved my cafe job and I never even dreamed of leaving it. I had formed amazing friendships and the cafe team and my bosses had become like family to me. I loved the customers and even some of them had become like family. I loved making coffee and most importantly I loved being good at my job and proud of what I could achieve.
It wasn't until I was offered another job in a completely different field that I actually sat down and considered what would be better for myself and my family. The job on offer was a hairdressing apprenticeship and it meant I had to go back to the bottom of the ladder and start again. This scared the crap out of me.I had built up so much confidence in my cafe job and I was getting so high up that going back to the bottom made me feel like I was downgrading myself. After lots of thinking I decided to just go for it! I could make hairdressing a proper career and have the options to go far where as my cafe job there wasn't much more I could do with my career. I am almost 30 and I really wanted something I could call a career and something that would provide enough for me to support my family and make me much more independent. I took the plunge and a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders without me even knowing that I needed the change.
I have been in my new job for a almost 3 weeks now and I am very happy with my choice. I love the people I work with they are all fantastic and I can see them becoming like family and I love the vibe they have in the salon. In the short time I have been there I can see myself becoming a hairdresser and putting all my efforts into getting up to the top of the ladder again.
If you have opportunities that sound scary always take them into consideration before putting them in the too hard or too scared basket because sometimes change can be the best thing for you even if they don't seem so at first. If you are wanting to change things in your life because you know you need it JUST GO FOR IT!! Live life to the fullest and always do what will make you happy and never let society judge you for doing what makes you happy xx
Stay Happy and Healthy
Liane Xx
p.s Since I was encouraging change the last few weeks I also decided to go all out and change my hair too :P hehe I'm officially blonde!
I am a huge fan of change. I am the type of person that gets bored easily so I am always changing things. However there are occasions where some changes freak me out and I avoid the change. Recently I had the opportunity to change my career and it has made a huge difference on my life. At first I was totally confused as of what decision to make about my career because I loved my cafe job and I never even dreamed of leaving it. I had formed amazing friendships and the cafe team and my bosses had become like family to me. I loved the customers and even some of them had become like family. I loved making coffee and most importantly I loved being good at my job and proud of what I could achieve.
It wasn't until I was offered another job in a completely different field that I actually sat down and considered what would be better for myself and my family. The job on offer was a hairdressing apprenticeship and it meant I had to go back to the bottom of the ladder and start again. This scared the crap out of me.I had built up so much confidence in my cafe job and I was getting so high up that going back to the bottom made me feel like I was downgrading myself. After lots of thinking I decided to just go for it! I could make hairdressing a proper career and have the options to go far where as my cafe job there wasn't much more I could do with my career. I am almost 30 and I really wanted something I could call a career and something that would provide enough for me to support my family and make me much more independent. I took the plunge and a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders without me even knowing that I needed the change.
I have been in my new job for a almost 3 weeks now and I am very happy with my choice. I love the people I work with they are all fantastic and I can see them becoming like family and I love the vibe they have in the salon. In the short time I have been there I can see myself becoming a hairdresser and putting all my efforts into getting up to the top of the ladder again.
If you have opportunities that sound scary always take them into consideration before putting them in the too hard or too scared basket because sometimes change can be the best thing for you even if they don't seem so at first. If you are wanting to change things in your life because you know you need it JUST GO FOR IT!! Live life to the fullest and always do what will make you happy and never let society judge you for doing what makes you happy xx
Stay Happy and Healthy
Liane Xx
p.s Since I was encouraging change the last few weeks I also decided to go all out and change my hair too :P hehe I'm officially blonde!